The Wyddle scarf goes back many centuries and was first made in the city of Adera.

It was a very big and beautiful city, where merchants would come and go to sell their goods. Amongst the citizens lived a woman named Clara. She lived alone, without any children and had difficulty to make ends meet. But somehow she always managed to stay positive and joyful.


Clara was a creative woman and her best friend Maria, a seamstress, lived only a few streets further down in the city. Maria always kept her leftover fabrics aside, so Clara could use them for her sewing projects. One winter the weather turned for the worse and it froze for weeks on end. Everybody in the city was cold and hungry. Food ran scarse and the seamstresses couldn’t keep up with the demand for warm clothes.


Clara felt sorry for the children who were so cold that they never came outside to play anymore. She decided to make scarfs for the children in her street, with the leftovers she had gathered from Maria. As she finished 10 scarfs, she sat down in her sofa to pause and drink a hot tea. As her mind wondered, she looked at the scarfs that were draped over the nearby chair.They were made with all kinds of warm, colorful fabric strips and looked so playful. Perfect for children. But it felt like they were missing something Suddenly it came to her. She had enough fabric left to sew a dragon head and tail fin to the scarfs. That way they wouldn’t just be warm, but also fun to play with.


The next morning, she gave the dragon scarfs to children who were in awe with these unique creations. One of the children asked “what are they called?”. To which Clara replied “They are Wyddle scarfs. When you take good care of them, they will keep you safe and warm.” It didn’t take long before children and parents started asking Clara to make more Wyddle scarfs. They would come knock at her door every day, giving her fabric to make scarfs for them. Clara made countless scarves for the people of Adera and after a while, people from outside the city started asking for her Wyddle scarves too.


One morning the door of Clara’s house stood wide open, but nobody seemed to be home. Everything was still in its usual spot, but Clara seemed to have vanished. The people hoped for her return, but alas, Clara was gone.


One year passed. It was the 17th of December, and just like the year before, it had been snowing non stop. Children were playing in the street when they suddenly noticed something strange in the corner of the city wall. Underneath a big fir tree, there was a new Wyddle scarf they had never seen before! Everywhere in the city, other people also discovered Wyddle dragons, hidden under pine trees.


For 7 days straight, until Christmas eve, people found Wyddle scarves under pine trees. They appeared as by magic, nobody knew where they came from. Then, when the 25th of December came, there were no more scarves to be found. It seemed like the magic had ended, and as the winter ended, people forgot about the unusual event. But sure enough, the next year, at the 17th of December, new Wyddle scarves would appear. Again, until the 24th of December.


From then on, people would search for the Wyddle scarves each year, in the city of Adera. Every once in a while, someone would sell a scarf that they had found, but they still remained very rare.


Because they only appeared in the week before Christmas, people started referring to Clara as “The Christmas Lady”. Because it was her, after all, who brought the Wyddle dragon scarves in their lives.